Minecraft: Story Mode – PS4, PS3, PS VITA, PC, XBOX ONE, XBOX 360



We started talking about Minecraft, which became a huge number of followers and fans and has great potential for the future as opposed to the opinion of many, and because of this, sooner or later going to make a game like graphic novel. And what better way to made by Telltale.


The title offers a game mode based decisions (Graphic Adventure), like many others, although the chances of the game are not very extensive. As for history, it is well structured, there are moments of tension, and funny moments. It has a really entertaining plot and honestly there moments where you get bored.


We talk about a similar Minecraft (but with history), where cubes dominated it´s world and why this aspect is not so necessary. They are simple graphics but do not change the game fun. If you not have a really good pc, you can still play it.

The soundtrack makes you delve into the game. It is very good and helps to combine all the scenes well, give excitement and intrigue at different points, and give a special touch to it.

Not much and is not necessary. This game is just another way to see Minecraft. In this aspect innovates by 100%, because we had never seen anything like it in the same game, there was no argument or concrete history because everything is based on the survival of the player, as well as your could make your own history so to speak .

More things to add:
Good (+)  Bad (-)

(+) Good Voice-acting
(+) Action sequences
(+) Atmospheric Soundtrack
(+) Now choices really matter (or well some of them)
(+) Good Animations
(+) Very emotional like other Telltale Games

(-) Quite a lot of bugs
(-) Episode 2 was extremely short

If you’ve already played Minecraft and you know there’s nothing new about it you will skip it . But if you like Telltale games this one will not defraud you, it´s really funny.

My score is 7.5