Mullet Madjack – PC

«Power up your character and reach the last floor; Beat your best time or try again. Haste makes waste… OF YOUR ENEMIES!». We’ll see what it’s about.

Story and Gameplay:

This time we found a fast-paced shooter from HAMMER95 Studios, throws you into a neon-drenched, anime-inspired world where the fate of humanity hinges on your ability to rack up kills with outrageous flair. Released in May 2024, this game has garnered critical acclaim for its breakneck action, retro aesthetics, and roguelike elements. But does Mullet Madjack live up to the hype, or is it all style over substance? Let’s delve into the story, gameplay, graphics and sound design, and wrap it up with a verdict.

This game doesn’t waste time on exposition. You step into the shoes of a moderator, a mullet-sporting badass trapped in a dystopian 2090. In this twisted future, humanity has merged with the internet, forming a collective consciousness known as the CloudMind. To keep this digital deity alive, it needs a constant stream of dopamine – and that dopamine comes from violence. Enter you, the ultimate entertainer tasked with slaughtering hordes of enemies in a live-streamed spectacle. In this sense, the story is paper-thin, existing solely as a framework for the gameplay. But that’s not a knock against Mullet Madjack. The focus here is on pure, unadulterated action. Each level is a self-contained arena, split vertically into ten floors. Your objective? Blast, slice, and kick your way through waves of robotic foes within a strict time limit. Think of it as a macabre speedrun where stylish kills and high combo counts extend your precious seconds.

The gameplay is a thrilling mix of speedrunning and classic arena shooters. You have a decent arsenal at your disposal, from pistols and shotguns to katanas and rocket launchers. Each weapon feels satisfying to use, with distinct sound design and impactful feedback. But the true stars are the environmental melee takedowns. Imagine whipping an enemy into a ceiling fan or performing a gloriously over-the-top suplex – these brutal finishers not only net you bonus points but also inject a dose of much-needed humor into the frenetic action.

This game throws a variety of enemy types at you, each with their own attack patterns and vulnerabilities. Learning to juggle crowd control, resource management, and stylish executions is key to surviving the later levels. The time pressure adds a layer of stress that keeps you on your toes, forcing you to make split-second decisions and prioritize targets. For it´s part, the roguelike elements add another layer of replayability. As you progress, you unlock permanent upgrades and perks that enhance your combat abilities or tweak the gameplay experience. Each run feels slightly different, thanks to procedurally generated levels and power-up combinations. This loop of improvement and challenge keeps you coming back for «just one more try.» However, the relentless pace can be overwhelming for some players. The game doesn’t hold your hand, and the difficulty curve is steep. Expect to die – a lot – as you master movement, enemy patterns, and the art of stylish slaughter. While the frustration can be invigorating, it might turn away players who prefer a more forgiving experience.

Graphics and Sound:

Graphically, this game bathes in a gloriously retro aesthetic. The developers have meticulously crafted a world that oozes 90s nostalgia. Think pixelated textures reminiscent of classic arcade games, mixed with VHS-inspired effects like scanlines and chromatic aberration. The character designs are equally bombastic, with the protagonist himself sporting a gloriously oversized mullet and a wardrobe that wouldn’t look out of place in a cyberpunk anime.

The level design is a masterclass in minimalist world-building. Each floor serves a specific purpose. While the environments themselves are simple, the details are lovingly crafted, with flickering neon signs, CRT monitors displaying distorted faces, and even pixelated graffiti adorning the walls. It all contributes to a cohesive and visually stunning world that feels ripped straight out of a 90s fever dream.

The soundtrack is another nostalgic treat. Synth-heavy beats pulsate throughout the game, perfectly complementing the fast-paced action. The sound effects are equally punchy, with satisfying weapon discharges, bone-crunching takedowns, and the digitized screams of your robotic enemies. In this sense, the audio design masterfully creates a sense of urgency and immersion, further amplifying the frenetic gameplay.


Mullet Madjack is a love letter to the 90s, a game that rocks with its crazy violence and cool old-school graphics. The gameplay is pure, action-packed fun, mixing speedrunning and classic arena battles with a bit of extra challenge.

While the core gameplay loop is awesome, this game isn’t perfect. The levels might feel a bit short, and there’s not much of a story. The difficulty can be tough for beginners, and the game doesn’t hold your hand much. But even with these flaws, Mullet Madjack is a super fun and stylish experience. The action is totally addictive, the retro look is awesome, and the levels keep changing so you can play again and again. It’s a game that gets straight to the point, offering quick bursts of exciting fun.

In summary, Mullet Madjack is all about style over story, but that’s okay! It delivers exactly what it promises: a non-stop thrill ride wrapped in a gloriously retro package. The gameplay is easy to learn but hard to master, the visuals are a tribute to the 90s, and the music goes perfectly with the action. In this sense, while the difficulty might be tricky for some, those who stick with it will be rewarded with an exciting and stylish experience.

For those who crave a fast-paced, action-packed experience with a big dose of 90s nostalgia, it’s a must-play. Just remember to relax, grab your imaginary mullet, and get ready to unleash your inner action hero.

My Score is 8.5