V Rising – PS5 edition

«Awaken as a Vampire. Hunt for blood in nearby settlements to regain your strength and evade the scorching sun to survive. Raise your castle and thrive in an ever-changing, open world full of mystery. Gain allies online and conquer the land of the living». We’ll see what it’s about.

Story and Gameplay:

This game has taken a bite out of the PC world, offering a unique blend of survival, action RPG, and gothic horror. Now, it sinks its fangs into the console market, inviting players on PlayStation 5 to carve their own path as a powerful vampire. But does the transition from keyboard and mouse to controller translate well? Let’s delve into the blood-soaked world of Vardoran and see if this console edition offers a satisfying experience.

V Rising isn’t burdened by a traditional narrative. Instead, it throws you into the world as a weakened vampire awakening from a slumber. The story unfolds through environmental details and information gleaned from defeating powerful enemies – the V Bloods. These bosses hold the key to regaining your strength and unlocking new abilities. Each V Blood represents a different archetype, from a ruthless bandit leader to a corrupted priestess. Defeating them grants you not only a surge of power but also a glimpse into their memories, piecing together the events that led to your weakened state. In this sense, the true heart of this game lies in its open-world sandbox gameplay. Vardoran is a vast and diverse landscape, encompassing lush forests, scorching deserts, and haunted ruins. Survival is paramount. You’ll need to gather resources, build a formidable castle, and hunt for sustenance. Blood is your fuel, and venturing out at night to prey on unsuspecting humans becomes a thrilling necessity.

For it´s part, the combat is fast-paced and action-oriented. You’ll have a diverse arsenal of abilities at your disposal, from draining the life force of enemies to unleashing devastating blood magic attacks. Mastering these abilities and understanding enemy weaknesses becomes crucial for success, especially against the formidable V Bloods. On the other hand, the castle construction is another core aspect of this amazing game. You’ll start with a basic crypt, but as you progress, you’ll unlock the ability to craft more impressive structures. Walls, floors, decorations – the level of customization is impressive, allowing you to craft a castle that reflects your playstyle. But your castle isn’t just for show. It serves as a safe haven from the scorching sun, a base for crafting powerful gear, and a potential prison for captured humans who can be turned into loyal servants. Servants are an ingenious addition. You can capture human enemies and convert them into thralls, specializing them in tasks like gathering resources, researching technologies, or even fighting alongside you. Managing your servants effectively adds a strategic layer to the gameplay loop.

Also, V Rising offers a versatile multiplayer experience. You can choose to conquer Vardoran as a lone wolf, perfecting your combat skills and castle construction solo. However, the game truly shines in co-op mode. Team up with friends to build a sprawling vampire empire, dividing and conquering the world together. Alternatively, you can opt for a PvP server, where rival vampire clans clash for dominance. For it´s part, the joystick gameplay is great. The controls are very well adapted to each action of our vampire and the differences, compared to the keyboard and mouse, are almost imperceptible. Still, not everyone may be happy.

Graphics and Sound:

V Rising on console boasts impressive visuals. Vardoran is a world brimming with atmosphere. Lush forests teem with life, while sun-baked deserts feel appropriately desolate. The gothic horror aesthetic is masterfully executed, with crumbling ruins and imposing castles casting long shadows under the pale moonlight. Combat is visually striking, with blood splatters and flashy magic effects adding to the visceral experience.

The soundscape is equally captivating. The haunting score perfectly complements the gothic atmosphere, building tension during exploration and erupting into epic orchestral pieces during boss battles. Environmental sound effects bring the world to life, from the rustling of leaves to the distant howls of wolves.


V Rising on console is a compelling and addictive experience. It offers a unique blend of survival, action RPG, and base building, all wrapped in a beautifully crafted gothic horror world. The combat is satisfying, the open-world exploration is thrilling, and the castle construction provides a creative outlet for players.

However, the console transition isn’t entirely flawless. The inventory management, originally designed for a mouse and keyboard, can feel clunky at times on a controller. Additionally, the initial stages of the game can be a bit slow, with resource gathering and basic gear acquisition feeling grindy. Despite these minor stumbles, this game is a worthy addition to the vampire lore and the playstation console.

In summary, a must-have game for players who enjoy a good blend of action, RPG elements, and survival mechanics. Fans of gothic horror and open-world exploration will find a lot to love here. If you’re looking for a fast-paced experience with instant gratification, the initial grind might be a deterrent. However, for those willing to invest the time, V Rising offers a deeply rewarding and atmospheric adventure.

My Score is 9.0